The Project

Residency Phase:
Sept–Nov 2019 at the University of Southampton
Workshop Phase:
Dec 2019–Feb 2020 at Red House Museum Christchurch
and Aldershot Centre for Health
Public Engagement:
• Southampton Science and Engineering Festival, March 2020
• ARUK Public Conference Brighton, March 2020
• Exhibition at Red House Museum, Christchurch, 6 August – 5 September 2020
• Exhibition at Princes Mead Shopping Centre Farnboroug, TBC
To bring together research science and lived in experience.
To increase awareness of Alzheimers disease and dementia.
Barbara Touati-Evans, the lead artist for the project, had an interest in neuroscience from her previous project about neuroplasticity called Mindshapes and from finding lots of links between her artistic practice of crochet and wool with neuroscience images and language. Barbara was looking to work further on neuroscience, especially to collaborate with neuroscientists and have first hand access to their research. She connected with Dr Sandrine Willaime-Morawek at a neuroscience conference organised by the University of Southampton in 2018 and they decided to collaborate on a project focussing on Alzheimer's and dementia research, due to its key importance in research. They then recruited other scientists who wanted to take part in the project.
In the Autumn 2019, Barbara and Susan spent some time with 12 different neuroscientists at the University for Southampton, immersing themselves into the different types of research. They documented the process through photography, films and audio recording.

In November 2019, as part of the Human Worlds festival, Barbara and Susan performed Detangling The Knots / Touch Cells, a 2 hour performance that responded to their time in the labs. They won an award for Best Creative Activity from the University of Southampton.
In the Winter and Spring term 2020, the artists ran a series of creative workshops with people who have dementia and their families at Aldershot Centre for Health and Red House Museum in Christchurch designed to offer creative space and respite as well as get an understanding of the personal experience of dementia.
In March 2020, just before the Uk Covid-19 lockdown, Barbara gave a short talk about the project at a public engagement day organised by Alzheimer Research UK.
In March 2020, we were also due to take part in the Southampton Science and Engineering Festival (SOTSEF) which unfortunately was cancelled/postponed.
We were going to have two public exhibitions with public engagements events; in May at the Red House Museum, Christchurch and in July in Farnborough.
We are planning to take part in SOTSEF Southampton Science and Engineering Festival Digital May-July 2020
Among the creative responses we are currently working on:
- A new film and sound piece bringing together the residency and workshop phases

- A digital performance
- Online exhibition